2016年10月2日 星期日

一生奉獻 醫路有你

3 則留言 :

TC Chou 提到...

Congratulations to you for your persistent enormous contribution to the humanity service to the terminal patients !! I have known your noble dedications in this field for many years. Now, I am so happy to see that your kindness is recognized at tens of thousands miles away across the pacific ocean and the American continent (World Journal

SS Wang 提到...

「有幸參加26屆醫療奉献奨頒獎!恭禧一生奉献安寧照顧的老長官陳榮基院長獲頒特殊奉献奨!也恭禧將内視镜檢查引入台東的白明忠主任獲頒個人奉献奨!實至名歸、與有榮焉! 」

LL Chou 提到...
