2015年10月22日 星期四

《病人自主權利法案》 From DNR to ACP

Chen RC (2015) From Do No Resuscitation to Advace Care Planning.
BAOJ Pall Medicine 1:010.

As a result of the “heroic fight” by physicians, many people suffered from painful death in hospitals, inserted with variable tubes and surrounded by different medical devices. In order to improve our quality of death and quality of hospice palliative care, Taiwan passed a Hospice Palliative Care Act (Natural Death Act) in 2000 which gives people the right to choose cardiopulmonary resuscitation or do no resuscitation at the end of life. We are now working forward to the advance care planning to establish a Patient Self Determination Act. In this new Act, people can choose to refuse the terminal painful life sustaining treatments. Hope this will further improve our quality of terminal care.

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