2023年5月7日 星期日

一位令人尊敬的美國友人: 一生奉獻台灣的林惠仁修女

一位令人尊敬的美國友人: 一生奉獻台灣的林惠仁修女 

2004國際失智症協會大會在Sri Lanka




一位令人尊敬的美國友人: 一生奉獻台灣的林惠仁修女

Sister Mary Ellen Kerrigan from USA who devoted her life to Taiwan

林惠仁修女 (第八屆醫療奉獻獎得主


【民視台灣學堂】這些人這些事: 為愛滋病人奉獻心力的林惠仁修女() 2018.10.22—盧俊義


繼續閱讀慶點選下面這個數字                       [7.5.23]



2004國際失智症協會(ADI)大會在Sri Lanka


From: Mary Ellen Kerrigan
Date: May 6, 2023 To: Linda Chen

Subject: RE: Old photos from Taiwan & Sri Lanka

Dear Linda,

 Oh, how I loved the pictures!  Thank you so much for sharing them and know that it is such a joy to have pictures of your wonderful mother!!  Of course, I am able to recognize some of the nurses but the sad thing is I can’t come up with their names!  Also, the one from Sri Lanka where I am right next to your dear father and mother – so special. I’ll never forget that trip and consider it as playing a big part still in my life here at the Center where, mainly because of that great experience,  I am more able to understand and care for our sisters suffering from Dementia.  Please thank your father again for me.  I also remember when he caught me coming out of the Buddhist Shrine in Tai-da – this surprised him so much that he asked me what I was doing there. I told him that I had often noticed that it seemed to really help the seriously ill and the dying patients so much if they had Buddhist Music to listen to --so I often went there to get those tapes to play for them. I always admired the myriad of ways your father and mother contributed so greatly to the holistic care of the suffering, including the family members, medical personnel  and the whole population!  Not, mind you,  only locally but internationally as well!   I gained so much from being with them and they inspired me – I learned from them how grateful I am so have experienced their Buddhist Hearts – inspiring me to try my best to follow what I believe as they did their Buddhist Way. You have every reason in the world to be proud of them. There is no doubt that your father is proud of you and all the family!  And, I might as well admit that, according to my way of thinking -- your mother still is and always will be so!

 How wonderful it is that you are back in Taiwan with your father – a joy indeed for all of you and the extended family!  Your mission is an exciting one – I could never learn how to digitize old photos so I will just remain in awe of you and your expertise. Hope and pray you will soon be totally recovered and able to walk well after your bunion surgery. You certainly picked the best hospital!!!

 Thanks again – and please thank your father again for me!


 Mary Ellen

