學醫與學佛,護生與護死。悲智願行, 隨緣奉獻。 COMPASSION,WISDOM,DEVOTION。TRUTH。 URL: http://www.lotus.org.tw E-mail: lotus@lotus.org.tw 蓮花基金會電子發票愛心捐贈碼885814 RONG-CHI CHEN, MD, PhD, FANA
Lung premium@academia-mail.com
收件人: rongchichen@gmail.com 日期: 星期四, 13 10月 2022 主旨: Congratulations on your 17,645th Mention! “R. Chen” in Gait paper
Dear Rong-chi,
Congratulations on your 17645th Mention!
The name “R. Chen” was mentioned in a Gait paper uploaded to Academia.
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