2017年11月28日 星期二

Buddhist Approaches to Dying and Hospice Care in Taiwan「台灣佛教之臨終關懷與安寧療護」論壇

Symposium on "Buddhist Approaches to Dying and Hospice Care in Taiwan"

1.     Watts JS, Tomatsu Y. 2012. The Development of indigenous hospice care and clinical Buddhism in Taiwan.
 in Watts JS, Tomatsu Y. (eds). Buddhist Care for the Dying and Bereaved. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2012.

2.     陳榮基 20135月號〕健康E世界:欣見臨床佛教宗教師參與安寧緩和醫療的制度從台灣傳到日本

3.     Chen RC. 2017
Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program:History of the Development of Taiwan’s Clinical Buddhism
Journal of Scientific Discovery Citation: JSci Discov (2017);1(1):jsd17005;DOI:10.24262/jsd.1.1.17005 

4.     陳榮基 20179月號〕健康E世界:推廣臨床宗教師制度,協助病人安詳往生/陳榮基

5.     Chen RC  2017/11/22 Speech given at INEB 18th Biennial Confernece at DDM Institute of Liberal Arts
  or https://goo.gl/XSJafB 

