I read your comments on the way of comforting the dead and his or her family in a hospital chapel (a term used in US). The service appears too long and becomes costly to the patient's family and hospital. In the ancient time, I guess it was probably much longer but it was held at home. I would suggest a survey of Buddhists or Taoists whether they could accept a shorter period of comforting service in the hospital and do the rest at their home or chosen funeral home. In the States, the memorial service in the hospital is generally less than one hour. In that case, one chapel can be shared and accommodates different families at a scheduled time without conflict. The comforter could be provided by the hospital or chosen by patient's family from outside at their own cost. In the US, many families choose to have their memorial service held at funeral homes or churches for a period of time decided by themselves. Regards, Eric
『殯葬條例第 64 條
第 65 條
I read your comments on the way of comforting the dead and his or her family in a hospital chapel (a term used in US). The service appears too long and becomes costly to the patient's family and hospital. In the ancient time, I guess it was probably much longer but it was held at home. I would suggest a survey of Buddhists or Taoists whether they could accept a shorter period of comforting service in the hospital and do the rest at their home or chosen funeral home. In the States, the memorial service in the hospital is generally less than one hour. In that case, one chapel can be shared and accommodates different families at a scheduled time without conflict. The comforter could be provided by the hospital or chosen by patient's family from outside at their own cost. In the US, many families choose to have their memorial service held at funeral homes or churches for a period of time decided by themselves.