2016年8月7日 星期日



在病人臨終時,生活的品質可能優於生命的延長,醫師在此時,如能尊重病人意願,提供安寧緩和醫療的照顧,並在臨終時協助病人有尊嚴的死(die in dignity)或安詳的往生(peaceful death),將是莫大的功德。大孝與大愛應是陪伴臨終家屬,協助其坦然接受疾病,安度餘生,安詳捨報往生。病人的死亡,並非醫療的失敗,未能協助病人安詳往生,才是醫療的失敗。” (陳榮基. 慈濟醫學2006; 18:155-7.)

“In one's final moments, quality of life may be more important than the mere prolongation of existence. Physicians who respect patients' wishes and provide hospice palliative care, can foster a peaceful and dignified departure from life, although the benefits that this provides may not be easily determined empirically. Filial duty and love should find its expression in being with the family member at the end of his or her life, and in encouraging acceptance of disease, quiet life in his last days and peaceful passing. Where it is unavoidable, the death of a patient is not a medical failure. Not being able to facilitate a peaceful and dignified demise is, however. “ (Chen RC. Tzu Chi Med J 2006; 18:155-7)

