2016年5月21日 星期六

Loving, Supporting and Caring for the Cancer Patient

Stan Goldbert :
Loving, Supporting and Caring for the Cancer Patient: A Guide to Communication, Compassion, and Courage.
[A new book for hospice care]

Reviewer’s  comments: “At least once in your life someone will say to you, “I have cancer,” and when she says the three words, you may struggle with a response. If a loved one or friend hasn’t informed you of a cancer diagnosis, it’s only a matter of time until they will. Every year fourteen million people worldwide learn they are living with or may die from this insidious illness. The uncertainty of cancer causes anxiety in those diagnosed and feelings of inadequacy in loved ones and friends who want to help.”
Watch for excerpts on http://stangoldbergwriter.com/
A hardback edition will be released in October of 2016 by Roman & Littlefield. Read more of the reviews and advance orders can be placed through Amazon.
Pre-order Price Guarantee.  FREE Shipping. $35.

