2013年7月27日 星期六


我在2013年7月21日的此部落格上轉載聯合報的報導<當我老了,請陪伴我走完最後的路>。 [這篇文章,出自墨西哥雜誌「數字家庭」。] 讀者好友,來函要求提供Spanish, English或Chinese 的全文文字檔,到聯合網站無法下載,卻從Google找到<小Mic報報>,這個精彩網頁還有一則很動人的影片: http://micnet.blogspot.com/2010/08/when-i-was-old.html 茲將其譯文轉載如下※ 『當我老了,不再是原來的我。 請理解我,對我有一點耐心。 當我把菜湯灑到自己的衣服上時,當我忘記怎樣繫鞋帶時, 請想一想當初我是如何手把手地教你。 當我一遍又一遍地重複你早已聽膩的話語, 請耐心地聽我說,不要打斷我。 你小的時候,我不得不重複那個講過千百遍的故事,直到你進入夢鄉。 當我需要你幫我洗澡時, 請不要責備我。 還記得小時候我千方百計哄你洗澡的情形嗎? 當我對新科技和新事物不知所措時, 請不要嘲笑我。 想一想當初我怎樣耐心地回答你的每一個「為什麼」。 當我由於雙腿疲勞而無法行走時, 請伸出你年輕有力的手攙扶我。 就像你小時候學習走路時,我扶你那樣。 當我忽然忘記我們談話的主題, 請給我一些時間讓我回想。 其實對我來說,談論什麼並不重要,只要你能在一旁聽我說,我就很滿足。 當你看著老去的我,請不要悲傷。 理解我,支持我,就像你剛才開始學習如何生活時我對你那樣。 當初我引導你走上人生路,如今請陪伴我走完最後的路。 給我你的愛和耐心,我會抱以感激的微笑,這微笑中凝結著我對你無限的愛。』 “When I was old, I wasn't myself before. Please understand, be more patient. When I splash soup on collar, When I forgot how to tie my shose, Please think about how I taught you this when you were a kid. When I repeat my words again and again you listened many times, Please listening with your patience, Do not interrupt me. When you were a small child I must repeat the story thousand of times, until you fall asleep. When I need your help for shower, Please do not blame me. Don't you remember I leave no stone unturned to help you took a bath. When I perplexed about new technology and fashion stuff, Please do not laughing me. Think how patience I was answer your each "why..." When I tired my legs and can't even walk, Please give me your young and strong hands. Just like before when you were learn walk I was your support. When I suddenly forgot our topic, Please give me a bit more time let me recall it. In fact any topic is not important for me, I satisfied just you can listen side of me. When you saw me getting old, Do not be sad. Understood me, Support me, As you just start to learn how to live independent what I helped you. Originally I introduced life to you. Now please be a company for me to finish end of my life. Give me your love and patience, I will pay my thanks smile, this smile. full of my unlimity love for you.” 希望為人子女的我們都能心懷感恩~

