2013年1月31日 星期四

A warm letter from USA

Dear Dr. Chen, After reading your autobiography, I do not know how to best express my feeling and what I learned from you. My greatest respect and sincere appreciation to you for everything you did for your patients, entire society, countless hospitals, and Taiwan throughout your career. Your life long loving care of patients and concern of others’ welfare make you an outstanding physician and a super human being. Your desire to learn new skills and outstanding learning ability greatly benefited all patients in Taiwan. You and Mrs. Chen’s contribution to Taiwan’s medical society is enormous. Thank you and Mrs. Chen. As I recall that my mother was so fortunate to receive your care during her late years. Your helpfulness made our family so peaceful without worry how to best care for my mother at the time. My siblings and family members much appreciate your helpfulness and kindness. My family and I are so privileged and blessed to know you and Mrs. Chen. Your humbleness and simple life philosophy make us easily closed to you yet admire you. Thank you for letting me to have the opportunity to learn from you through your book. Best Wishes and happy new year to you and your loved ones. With Best Regards, Sujen 安寧舵手—陳榮基化醫為愛的生命故事 莊曉明編著 周大觀文教基金會出版 2011年4月出版 2012年8月二刷 2012年12月電子書出版 PUBU書城連結 http://www.pubu.com.tw/document/17747 蓮花連結 http://www.lotus.org.tw/4_lifeteach_2_1.asp 本書紙本流通處: 周大觀文教基金會http://www.ta.org.tw/ 或蓮花基金會http://www.lotus.org.tw/

