2012年12月22日 星期六


<安寧醫療條例>修正案於2012年12月21日三讀通過,DNR程序將作簡化。 內容聯結如下:[立法院召開記者會] 公視報導 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcadTY9W6_I&hd=1 蓮花基金會(http://www.lotus.org.tw)董事張寶方女士以家屬身分接受採訪,董事蘇逸玲(台灣安寧緩和護理學會理事長)及志工張正昌,應邀參與記者會;董事長陳榮基也接受採訪,鼓勵醫師善用此修正的新法,在合乎倫理與法律的規範下,勇敢的為臨終病人執行不插管(DNR)或拔管撤除無效維生醫療措施,協助病人安詳往生。

3 則留言:

  1. I saw you on TV the evening. Your hard work on this issue is well recognized and respected. This is a small token added to your many achievements. Congratulations!

  2. I showed this YouTube video to Sarah & Christine ( the part with 阿公 shown at 1 min 25 sec). I explained to them how important this new law is and how 阿公 helped to push this through. They are so impressed. Christine said "阿公真的很會講話, his speech is so powerful."

  3. Congratulation!!! We are proud of your dedication to make the end of life into a peaceful and and tranquil event.
