2010年4月30日 星期五



台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟 http://tmact.mc.ntu.edu.tw/xms/index.php



信不信由你! 增加菸稅可以造成廣大民眾減稅。我們主張以這筆額外的收入(每年超過上千億),用來貼補弱勢族群(當然包括他們的健保保費)。


何況  我們將全力幫助您戒菸!
漲菸價 短期也許您會恨我們,長期我們深信,您將會感激我們!
_____________________________________________________________________台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟 http://tmact.mc.ntu.edu.tw/xms/index.php


1 則留言:

  1. I did three years of post doctorate research on tobacco smoke after I got my doctorate degree in pharmacy. This made me very aware of what tobacco smoking can do to a person.
    Back then (40 years ago) a pack of cigarette (20 pieces) had the same price as a 12 oz. can of Coca Cola. Now a pack of cigarette cost $5.00 while special sale of 24 cans of 12 oz Coca Cola will also costs $5.00 (as low as $3.99). The reasons are governments (federal and local) put a lot of taxes on tobacco products. It is working! The number of tobacco smokers in this country is decreasing every year.
    Also, all public places (restaurants, bars, hotels, stores, public and private offices etc) are all “smoke free” and one month a year is called “smoke out” month to promote non smoking.
    I think what Taiwan has to do is to raise more tax on tobacco products and also charge more insurance premium on tobacco smokers and betel nut chewers. Also put tax on palm tree(檳榔樹) growers who produce betel nuts because those trees cause the erosion of soil in Taiwan.
    Most of people are only aware that tobacco smoking causes “lung cancer” but not so familiar that it also causes heart and other cardiovascular diseases. Also, most are not aware that most of long time smokers have ED (erectile dysfunction) (陽萎)problem at their early 40s! This is because of the destruction of capillary blood vessels caused by the tobacco smoking.
    Also, people in Taiwan should be aware of how dangerous second hand smokes can be. Especially female populations, they are ten time more susceptible to smoke than male. Many non-smoker women got lung cancer because their family member(s) are smokers. People in Taiwan should be aware that everybody should have the right of not getting second hand smoke!
