學醫與學佛,護生與護死。悲智願行, 隨緣奉獻。 COMPASSION,WISDOM,DEVOTION。TRUTH。 URL: http://www.lotus.org.tw E-mail: lotus@lotus.org.tw 蓮花基金會電子發票愛心捐贈碼885814 RONG-CHI CHEN, MD, PhD, FANA
Very interesting picture. I would very much like to hear her playing the guitar, especially at the beach stage! Hope she did not break the glass of downstairs entrance door! I am happy to see that 海角七號 is played on the airline.
Very interesting picture. I would very much like to hear her playing the guitar, especially at the beach stage! Hope she did not break the glass of downstairs entrance door! I am happy to see that 海角七號 is played on the airline.