2008年9月4日 星期四


最近到廈門旅遊,在觀音山茶博士家(Dr. Tea)聽自稱是來自雲南西雙版納的姑娘的說明,才發現好的普耳茶不應該有發霉的味道,發霉的應該丟掉。加上菊花的普菊,是利用菊花香味掩蓋霉味,是錯誤的喝法。那種普耳,應該丟掉。
普耳(約拇指大或小指大一塊),加入約2000 CC冷水,煮沸後飲用,比泡的更好。燒好後,取出茶渣(可再用三五泡)(不要將茶葉與茶水合處太久),茶水(沒喝完的)放冷了,藏冰箱內,可用約一週。以上有關普耳的新資訊,僅供茶客參考。歡迎提供更多更正確的資訊。

1 則留言:

  1. I don’t know much about tea and all I’ve learned is from Dr. Liao; the professor at Chicago University.
    What I know is that the best tea is green tea – Japanese green tea. This green tea is just dry tea leaves without any further processing.
    Once the tea leave is processed, part of the antioxidants are destroyed, specially the moldy tea from China.
    Black tea (or Red tea) is rated as acidic drink just like soda and coffee, which is not good for aging people.
    Too bad that most of Japanese green teas we could purchase in the US are now made in China. (One can buy Japanese green tea only in Japanese food stores; most of them are very small stores and are always pricy).
    I also learned that most of green tea in Taiwan is lightly processed; like a hybrid between Chinese and Japanese.
