Sagina Michigan7
Jason Wu
My grandfather passed away today. My earliest childhood memories are from his house in HsinChu, Taiwan. He was a great doctor and loved to play golf. His medical practice was actually connected to the house. I remember all the nurses around. He had six kids, the youngest being my mother. I remember when he was younger he would travel from place to place, visiting all his kids. Some stayed in Taiwan, some were in California, one was in Michigan, and one was in Texas. As he got older he traveled less and less. Eventually I got to see him less and less often.
He had a sharp mind long into his old age. Since my mind is not as sharp, I can only speculate from what I remember that we share the same love for vanilla flavored ice cream. Forget all those other fancy flavors. I know I carry the Chow family nose and I take his special walking style to an extreme.
I know Grandpa’s legacy will go on. His children became a surgeon, director of nurses at the largest hospital in Taiwan, pediatrician, computer scientist, great mothers. His grandchildren have covered an even wider array, with multiple attorneys, computer scientist, business gurus, marketing magicians, musical artists, engineers, psych majors, and hopefully a doctor to carry on your legacy of medical service to others. All of us respect him and hold him in high honor.
If I had to describe my grandfather in a single word: Kind.
He was non-confrontational, giving, careful, smart, but above all, he was kind.
He had a sharp mind long into his old age. Since my mind is not as sharp, I can only speculate from what I remember that we share the same love for vanilla flavored ice cream. Forget all those other fancy flavors. I know I carry the Chow family nose and I take his special walking style to an extreme.
I know Grandpa’s legacy will go on. His children became a surgeon, director of nurses at the largest hospital in Taiwan, pediatrician, computer scientist, great mothers. His grandchildren have covered an even wider array, with multiple attorneys, computer scientist, business gurus, marketing magicians, musical artists, engineers, psych majors, and hopefully a doctor to carry on your legacy of medical service to others. All of us respect him and hold him in high honor.
If I had to describe my grandfather in a single word: Kind.
He was non-confrontational, giving, careful, smart, but above all, he was kind.
George Chen
Every time I said hello to Grandpa, for the last 30 years, Grandpa alwaysanswered me with a warm smile, no matter if he was in a good condition or not. And I also saw that smile from Grandpa to every little kid in this bigfamily. Thank God and Buddha for giving me the best grandpa on earth who is justlike a warm sun, full of energy but always delivering it in a warm way. Truly want to be in that warm sunshine again, but also truly glad that Grandpa can finally be with all the ones he loved in heaven again and this time they can be together, just like little kids with all mighty power, visit all the wonders in this vast universe and beyond with not a single burden and obstacale forever. Thank God and Buddha for that we all will see Grandpa again in the future too.
圖片說明: 1,2 Rome; 3 Versaile; 4 Florence; 5,6 Sudney; 7,8 Sagina Michigan; 9 富士山下; 10 杭州西湖; 11 板橋新站; 12 台北故宮博物院; 14 大安公園. 16 Detroit第一回渡米
回覆刪除I remember Dr. Chow well. I was a student at Zhu-Shi-Fu-Xiao
回覆刪除from 1948 through 1954 in Hsinchu and Dr. Chow was one of the
most famous doctors in that Windy City at the time.
He will be remembered and missed much by his family and
friends. Our sincere condolences and best wishes!
Bill Lee
榮基 吾兄:
回覆刪除令 岳父周炳煌老居士 係我家世交
今 蒙佛接引,能 往生極樂淨土
雖悲亦安 宜請 節哀順變
弟 性忠 敬默哀
In sending the condolences to you and your family, we will remember your father Dr. Chou for being a kind dedicated doctor. He faded away, however his spirit and legacy will continue to lead us.
回覆刪除Jeffrey and Jean Chen
Sorry to hear the passing of your father. Please accept our sincere condolence. Keep the chin up and fulfill the goal you setup for
Ron and Yvette
We are deeply sorry to hear of your great loss. May we add our warmest sympathy to that of the many who knew and loved him.
回覆刪除Hshu-Hshing and Meei-Chih
You have my condolence and I am pretty sure your father in law is in a better place now. I last met your father in law in 1958 spring. We were in the #7 dormitory of NTU in KunGuan, Taipei. Your father in law was doing his military service (one month recall) at the military camp right next to our dormitory building across the water duct. The water from the well of our dormitory smelled so bad that we sometimes went to wash ourselves in the military camp and that's where we met him. Of course he came to visit us at our dormitory several times. (Don't forget he was our school doctor at Hsinchu High School) and one time he also met my mother when she was visiting me. He actually was the doctor of my nieces and nephews when they were kids. Speaking of spring 1958, we really had fun at #7dormitory. Hank Ou was the president of residents and I was in charge of recreation! Also, I went to Jinmen (Quemoy island) Summer Camp that summer while most of other lions went to Ocean Camp. My trip to Quemoy was cut short because of the 823 gun shelling. Behind the pediatric clinic of your father in law was a Buddhist's temple (Chou's family temple) and that's where my kindergarten school was. Your father in law is always in my memory.
回覆刪除Kim Yang
Our condolences to you and your family at this sad loss of your father.... but as you said it well, his spirit is alive, his legacy continues...I was fortunate to have the opportunity meeting him at his December 2006 birthday celebrations in Taipei. With great respect for your father,
回覆刪除Steve and Hsin Hsin
周伯伯是我們台灣 佛教界的聖人,一生為佛法,為眾生的貢獻太大。
I feel very sad that I will not have a chance to treat Dr. Chou to golf and dinner, which he has treated me too many times. At the same time, I am happy for him that he no longer needs to suffer the pain in this world. I hope you and your family will move on healthily and happily even though Dr. Chou is not with you. I have prayed for him and will remember him when I read the Diamond Sutra tonight.
回覆刪除Best regards,
Please accept my condolences for the passing of your great father-in-law. As your mounring article indicates, he seemed to be a man of noble character and deligence that we all should respect and emulate.
隨便一提, 我的二兄名字與令尊相同,他叫黃炳煌, 曾任政大教育系教授20多年.
請吾兄與大嫂節哀。 三立素琴