學醫與學佛,護生與護死。悲智願行, 隨緣奉獻。 COMPASSION,WISDOM,DEVOTION。TRUTH。 URL: http://www.lotus.org.tw E-mail: lotus@lotus.org.tw 蓮花基金會電子發票愛心捐贈碼885814 RONG-CHI CHEN, MD, PhD, FANA
2008年3月10日 星期一
The Best Friends Book of Alzheimer’s Activities, Volume 2
By V. Bell, D. Troxel, T. Cox, R. Hamon
Baltimore: Health Professions Press, 2008
(這是一本由美國Health Professions Press新出版的照顧失智老人的工具書,書中列舉149種方法運用於不同的病人.該書從很多層面介紹,包括宗教層面,後者也包括儒教孔子學說,於第60頁.本人有幸在出版前先讀,並提供意見.下面是這一段關於孔教的部分敘述:)Confusionism , which originated in approximately the 5th century BC, is an ancient philosophy, a set of principles to ensure ethical relationships and practices among and between individuals, families, and government. Persons with dementia will feel a sense of comfort and reassurance when they are connected to these principles.
There are Five Constant Relationships(五倫) that make up the fabric of the Confucian way of life: those between parent and child(父子), husband and wife(夫婦), elderly sibling and junior sibling(兄弟), elder friend and junior friend(朋友), and ruler and ruled(君臣). Above all other virtues of Confucianism is the virtue of filial devotion(孝順), a son’s or daughter’s respect or devotion to his or her parents. Confucius taught that all other moral virtues, indeed civilization itself, flows from filial devotion(孝道).
One way to connect a person with this way of life is for a caregiver to show the kind of devotion instilled in children for all older people, especially parents, including joyful attention, respect and reverence.
Because so much emphasis in Confucianism is placed on the family, engage the person in conversation about his or her family. Look at family pictures, and reminisce about the family.
---Written in consultation with Rong-Chi Chen, MD, Professor of Neurology, National Taiwan University, and Honorary President, Taiwan Alzheimer’s Disease Association, Taipei, Taiwan.