2018年2月28日 星期三

Contemplative Care & Spirituality: Going Beyond Mindfulness Practice for Being with Suffering & Grief

Rev. Jin神仁法師
Contemplative Care & Spirituality: Going Beyond Mindfulness Practice for Being with Suffering & Grief
A Public Symposium presented by the Rinbutsuken Institute for Engaged Buddhism
the Sophia University Institute of Grief Care
the Tokyo Jikei Medical University Palliative Care Center
November 4, 2017
Tokyo Jikei School of Medicine, Tokyo
sponsored by the International Buddhist Exchange Center (IBEC)
The practice of Buddhist based mindfulness meditation is now sweeping the world. Entering various secular fields like business, medicine, and even sports, mindfulness practice has helped people to reduce work related stress, be more efficient and focused in their endeavors, and find a pathway to inner peace. There are, however, critics of this movement—including the Buddhists that helped spawn it—who point out that mindfulness meditation (samadhi) in and of itself is not sufficient for true transformation and that isolating it from the ethics (sila) and a deeper understanding of the roots of ignorance (panna) can distort the practice in unfortunate ways. Furthermore, as wonderfully simple as mindfulness may seem, it is usually not a practice that is accessible for the deeply traumatized, such as those experiencing suicidal depression, recovering from a natural disaster or traumatic event, or dealing with the grief of a lost loved one. To become intimate with such people, and to be able to guide them to a place of stability from which an intensive mindfulness practice could be of help, requires a type of caregiver or “guide” who is in fact highly developed in all three of these facets of mindfulness, ethics, and the accompanying wisdom and resilience it requires to engage deeply in suffering.
(To read the whole report, please click at the following connection.)

2018年2月27日 星期二

2018年2月6日 星期二




2018年2月3日 星期六

ezTravel易遊網 台鐵環島之星 環島遊

ezTravel易遊網 台鐵環島之星 環島遊
三天兩夜 台北-花蓮-枋寮-墾丁-枋寮-左營-台北


2018年2月2日 星期五


健康E世界〔1072月號 〕 蔬食/素食搶救地球
聽說法國總統下令每個學生都要看名導演盧貝松於200965日(世界環境日)上映之搶救地球精彩影片Luc Besson: Home Environmental Documentary,再閱讀20091229日痞客邦的電影評論(http://stajch.pixnet.net/blog/post/3409365--盧貝松「-搶救地球」電影-中文介紹,每次看讀之後都是無限的震撼:這部影片告訴我們:人類耗用自然資源,正在加速地球的毀滅。希望在觀看這部影片後,人人能夠省思改變生活方式以拯救地球的必要性!
純素主義者的英語單詞 vegan vegetarian(素食主義者)衍生而成1944年,Elsie Shrigley Donald Watson 創立了英國純素食協會(The Vegan Society),而當時僅有的素食者詞彙 vegetariarism,尚不排除乳製品的食用,故純素者 vegan 這個詞誕生了。