學醫與學佛,護生與護死。悲智願行, 隨緣奉獻。 COMPASSION,WISDOM,DEVOTION。TRUTH。 URL: http://www.lotus.org.tw E-mail: lotus@lotus.org.tw 蓮花基金會電子發票愛心捐贈碼885814 RONG-CHI CHEN, MD, PhD, FANA
2017年12月26日 星期二
2017年12月25日 星期一
2017年12月24日 星期日
2017年12月13日 星期三
2017年12月9日 星期六
Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Program for Hospice Care Started in Taiwan臨床佛教宗教師培訓制度開始於台灣
Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Program for Hospice Care
Started in Taiwan
Chen RC*
Lotus Hospice Care Foundation, Taipei City, Taiwan
Chen RC, BAOJ Pall Medicine 2017, 3: 4 3: 044
BAOJ Pall Medicine, an open access journal
Volume 3; Issue 4; 044
Short Communication
Author: Prof Rong-Chi Chen, MD, PhD, FANA. Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation, Taipei
City, Taiwan, Tel: 886-963602818; Email: rongchichen@gmail.com
Sub Date: December 4th 2017, Acc Date:
December 8th 2017, Pub Date: December
8th 2017
Chen RC (2017) Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Program for Hospice Care Started in
Taiwan. BAOJ Pall Medicine 3: 044.
Copyright: © 2017 Chen RC.
This is an open access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Since the introduction of hospice
palliative care into Taiwan in 1983 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9322344
), Taiwan first enacted a natural death
act, Hospice Palliative Care Act (https://bioaccent.org/palliative-medicine/palliative-medicine09.pdf
) to give people to have the right of choosing do-no-ressucination (DNR) in
2000. In 2016, Patient Self-Determination Act (file:///C:/Users/DD/Downloads/JSD17002.pdf
) was legalized to progress from DNR to
advance care planning (ACP). As the
president of the Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation (LHCF) (http://www.lotus.org.tw ) and vice-director
of the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) and founder of the Hospice
Palliative Unit of NTUH, I had the chance of starting the Clinical Buddhist
Chaplaincy (CBC) training program (http://bioaccent.org/palliative-medicine/palliative-medicine19.pdf
) in these two organizations in 1998. The International Network of Engaged
Buddhists (INEB) held its 18th Biennial Conference 2017 in Taiwan in Nov.
22-29, 2017 ( https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/international-network-of-engaged-buddhists-focuses-on-conflict-compassion-and-interbeing-at-18th-biennial-conference-in-taiwan
) under the theme “A Conference on Interbeing: Transforming Conflict by
Compassion,” aiming to provide platform for broad-based dialogue and
cooperation to address the challenges facing engaged Buddhism over the next
decade. It was attended by more than 180 monks, nuns and scholars from 23
nations. On Nov. 22, a Symposium on Buddhist Approaches to Dying and Hospice
Care in Taiwan (http://inebnetwork.org/30513-2/
) was held at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (http://www.dila.edu.tw/en ). I gave a
brief introduction of “The beginning of Buddhist hospice care in Taiwan”( https://goo.gl/XSJafB ). I invited the first
two mentors, Ven. Huimin, Prof. Ching-Yu Chen, and the current leaders in CBC
training program, Ven. TsungTueng and Ven. Frances Lok to make introduction of
their works. Ven. Huimin (President of Dharma Drum Institute for Liberal Arts)
talked on “Creating an indigenous Buddhist model for end of life care”. Prof.
ChingYu Chen (professor of Family Medicine, NTUH) talked on “spiritual issues of Buddhist hospice care in
Taiwan”. Ven. Tsung-Tueng (director of the Great Compassion Institute) talked
on “community hospice care & Buddhist monastics”. Ven. Frances Lok talked
on “training of Buddhist monastics in hospice care”. Since the CBC training
program was the first in the history of Buddhism and hospice palliative care,
roused great interest among the international audience. This CBC training
program was introduced into Japan by Japan Zenseiky Organization in 2013 http://www.e-discoverypublication.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/JSD17005.pdf
). We hope it will further spread to other nations in the future, especially in
those nations with great portion of Buddhists in their population. ---------------------------------------
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